Friday, June 3, 2022

Commercial without consistency

 At this morning's breakfast, I noticed this poster, which gave me a bit of cognitive dissonance:

The photorealistic fried potato strips are shown within the pictured* device (although seeming to reach out of it).

The pixelated stylized fries are outside of the device rectangle**.

The message apparently being that if you want fries, "there's an app for that"™, and it is in your smartphone (along with the fries). And you really should get that app now (and the fries).

A commercial doesn't have to be consistent with reality to be effective. 

Commercial without consistency.

* You are looking on your screen at a digital photograph of a printed poster of a stylized smartphone frame around a photograph of french fries poking out of a stylized container with the golden arches on it. Which happens to line up with the stylized container sticking out from behind, etc. Talk about reality...

™ This quoted phrase has been trademarked (and copyrighted (I really hope this is fair use)) by Apple™.

** My friend Doc Searls describes "rectangle bingo" as a game in which he observes people in his travels and "wins" if there is even one person not staring into a rectangle. As in the photo headlining his blog post on journalism which I guess documents a loss.

[ edited June 8, 2022 ]

This must be part of a campaign. This, this morning on their ordering screen:

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